Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Do You Hear What I Hear?

My dear friend and crack blogger Amy has been blogging about the meaning of Christmas songs in her "25 Days of Advent" series this month. She asked me to contribute a post on the song of my choice, and this was my (much belated) entry.


Do you hear what I hear?

One of my earliest memories is of me sitting on a tall stool in the choir room of our church in Tampa, legs dangling high above the floor.  I was probably about 3 years old, and the choir director was trying to coax me into singing “Do You Hear What I Hear?” as a solo in our church Christmas pageant that year.  I don’t think she ever succeeded in convincing me to do it (evidently, I was not too keen on singing in front of others even then), but love for this song abides in me to this day. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What's for dinner? This deliciousness.

I'm sad about summer being over.  I am a warm-weather, 12-hours-of-sunshine-a-day person, so summer is my favorite season, and I mourn its passing every year. But, I AM excited to start cooking warm, comforting fall foods! So, I got myself in gear yesterday and made a weekly menu, with a corresponding big, fat grocery list, to get started on some of that good fall cookin'!


I have always had a problem with unfairness, or (more accurately) what I perceive to be unfair.
I can remember as a small child crying to/at my parents over some perceived injustice, wailing,"But it's not fair!" and my father telling me lovingly, but matter-of-factly,"Life is not fair. No one ever said that it was." 
This sensitivity has led me, years ago, to develop my own catch phrase- if I find something to be unfair in my eyes, I say it "violates my sense of fairness".

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

moderate home makeover: kitchen edition

[UPDATE: images removed April 2012 due to high traffic of this post in Google image searches.]

With a probable move in our future, my husband (hereafter known as "Hubby", until I get tired of that name) and I began gearing up several months ago for putting our house on the market. We discussed, made lists, and researched the changes we'd like to make in each room. Frankly, we're awesome at the planning stage.

And then, last week, we began in earnest.