Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Do You Hear What I Hear?

My dear friend and crack blogger Amy has been blogging about the meaning of Christmas songs in her "25 Days of Advent" series this month. She asked me to contribute a post on the song of my choice, and this was my (much belated) entry.


Do you hear what I hear?

One of my earliest memories is of me sitting on a tall stool in the choir room of our church in Tampa, legs dangling high above the floor.  I was probably about 3 years old, and the choir director was trying to coax me into singing “Do You Hear What I Hear?” as a solo in our church Christmas pageant that year.  I don’t think she ever succeeded in convincing me to do it (evidently, I was not too keen on singing in front of others even then), but love for this song abides in me to this day.